Financial Messaging
Financial Messaging
Fineksus offers a wide range of software products by facility management and data processing services for both local and global payment systems especially for SWIFT. PayGate™ financial messaging tools are suitable for all the needs of your messaging services by integrating a secure and effective system.
Fineksus offers a wide range of software products by facility management and data processing services for both local and global payment systems especially for SWIFT. PayGate™ financial messaging tools are suitable for all the needs of your messaging services by integrating a secure and effective system.

PayGate™ Maestro

PayGate™ Maestro is a financial messaging management system, which has a flexible business rule engine to support higher STP rates. It provides advanced features for users and businesses to enrich their messaging systems such as case management, reconciliation, API for integration, GPI support, message validation, and modification.
Maestro acts as a powerful central application to integrate financial transactions between systems and provides users with endless opportunities. This is due to its dynamic flow control and software infrastructure which is open to endpoint development.
Single screen SWIFT message management | SWIFT gpi: gCCT / gCOV / gSRP | Supports ISO 15022 & ISO 20022 | KASSIP and UAEFTS support | Integration support with PayGate Inspector

PayGate™ Maestro

PayGate™ Maestro is a financial messaging management system, which has a flexible business rule engine to support higher STP rates. It provides advanced features for users and businesses to enrich their messaging systems such as case management, reconciliation, API for integration, GPI support, message validation, and modification.
Maestro acts as a powerful central application to integrate financial transactions between systems and provides users with endless opportunities. This is due to its dynamic flow control and software infrastructure which is open to endpoint development.
Single screen SWIFT message management | SWIFT gpi: gCCT / gCOV / gSRP | Supports ISO 15022 & ISO 20022 | KASSIP and UAEFTS support | Integration support with PayGate Inspector

PayGate™ Search

PayGate™ Search is a web-based online SWIFT archiving and reporting tool, additionally, it provides an importing tool for existing SWIFT archive files with several formats.
PayGate™ Search provides users with long-term archives and the ability to search existing messages and their history details. Search is designed to meet all SWIFT reporting needs as messages can be found instantly, printed, or sent as an email.
Extensive SWIFT message archive | User-friendly web based interface | RTGS system integration | ISO 20022, KASSIP and UAEFTS support | Online integration with PGM and SAA through MQSeries, AFT and ADK

PayGate™ Search

PayGate™ Search is a web-based online SWIFT archiving and reporting tool, additionally, it provides an importing tool for existing SWIFT archive files with several formats.
PayGate™ Search provides users with long-term archives and the ability to search existing messages and their history details. Search is designed to meet all SWIFT reporting needs as messages can be found instantly, printed, or sent as an email.
Extensive SWIFT message archive | User-friendly web based interface | RTGS system integration | ISO 20022, KASSIP and UAEFTS support | Online integration with PGM and SAA through MQSeries, AFT and ADK

PayGate™ Reconciliation

PayGate™ Reconciliation is a matching tool for Nostro which helps users to engage in a many-to-many transaction relationship by providing the Exact, Manual, Partial and Force Match options.
PayGate™ Reconciliation provides effective automation for reconciliation of FX, Securities and Nostro messaging.
Reporting and exception management tool | Rule based matching | FX and securities reconciliation | Nostro reconciliation

PayGate™ Reconciliation

PayGate™ Reconciliation is a matching tool for Nostro which helps users to engage in a many-to-many transaction relationship by providing the Exact, Manual, Partial and Force Match options.
PayGate™ Reconciliation provides effective automation for reconciliation of FX, Securities and Nostro messaging.
Reporting and exception management tool | Rule based matching | FX and securities reconciliation | Nostro reconciliation

PayGate™ Analytics

PayGate™ Analytics is a web based application which reconcile SWIFT message counts between integrated systems and provide report about the conflicts.
PayGate™ Analytics ensures conflict management by reporting the consistency of SWIFT message counts.
Reporting and conflict management | Fraud preventation | Reports consistency of SWIFT message counts

PayGate™ Analytics

PayGate™ Analytics is a web based application which reconcile SWIFT message counts between integrated systems and provide report about the conflicts.
PayGate™ Analytics ensures conflict management by reporting the consistency of SWIFT message counts.
Reporting and conflict management | Fraud preventation | Reports consistency of SWIFT message counts

PayGate™ Message SDK

PayGate™ Message SDK is .NET framework for SWIFT messages. Provides all required infrastructure for the teams who want to develop in-house SWIFT application with limited SWIFT knowledge.
PayGate™ Message SDK enables objects and methods for software development of SWIFT messages in Web or Windows.
Fully automated web UI framework | ISO 20022 support | Developed in .NET framework

PayGate™ Message SDK