Countdown begins for the Smart Insurance Awards 2022.
Fineksus is a sponsor of the Smart Insurance Awards in Istanbul, Turkiye which will be held live on 23rd June 2022 at İş Sanat Kültür Merkezi, Levent.
Smart Insurance Awards 2022 will cover innovative projects in the insurance industry while hosting two-panel discussions that will highlight the future of the industry. First panel discussion will be held to analyze the topic “Are InsurTechs an opportunity or a threat?” by the thought leaders of the insurance and financial technologies industries. Second session will be followed through with the industry experts in business intelligence and software technologies to address “Business partnerships and vendor collaborations that reduce risk and increase profits”.
Sales and Business Development Director of Fineksus, Mr. Necati Yavaş, will provide a brief on emerging technologies for Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) Compliance processes in the insurance industry during the interactive panel discussion “Business partnerships and vendor collaborations that reduce risk and increase profits” to be held at 14:30 p.m. – 17:30 p.m. (UTC+3) on-site and online.
For more information and to watch the live event on the 23rd of June, 2022, please visit the Smart Insurance Awards 2022 event website.